Tuesday, March 8, 2011

One Step At A Time

Ok. It's official.  I'm the craziest person alive.  You're probably saying to yourselves, "Duh Reegan. We figured that one out a long time ago." But seriously I'm a little slow and just discovering how crazy I really am.

So...the other day I got the crazy idea to run a marathon. Yup. The 26.23 miles.  Don't ask me why I thought this would be a good idea because I have no answer for you. So I called up the master aka "Dad" and he made me a schedule to follow so that I will be ready by October 15th to run this:

Cool Right?  I get to have Father/Daughter bonding with this guy so I'm pretty excited. :)

It's only the second week of training and I feel crummy.  How in the heck does one go about motivating themselves to do this? I feel like having some type of reward waiting for me at the end but everything I can think of isn't worth this craziness.  So far I'm running on self-satisfaction but I get self-satisfaction out of the simplest things so it can only last so long. Example: Today I wore shiny shoes. Self=satisfied. 

See? Not hard at all. Please, if you 
have any suggestions for me that would be awesome. :)

All in all, I think this will be a good experience in the end if I don't give up.  I want to do hard things and I want to challenge myself.  I keep thinking about how I'm going to feel when I cross the finish line.  Will I want to cry? Will I want to scream?  Will I want to dance?  Personally I think I may just want to eat a cheesburger but that aside I think I will be proud of myself.  Not the "sinning" kind of proud but the "good" proud.  The proud kind of feeling a parent has after seeing their kid make the winning touchdown or getting a good grade on a test.  I'm going to feel proud that I really can do hard things and that by setting goals coupled with my determination nothing is impossible. Woot!! I can do this. Wish me luck! :)

Also if any of you would like to be at the finish line to see me crawling across the pavement that would be great.  I don't humiliate myself nearly enough.

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